Discover Our Various Member Benefits
This Is Some of What We Offer You as a Member
- Legislative representation from your affiliation with ADHA and ODHA and components. ODHA is the only Association representing dental hygiene interests in the state political arena. ADHA is the largest professional organization representing the interests of dental hygienists.
Our members enjoy professional support, educational programs, and numerous opportunities for participation in association decision-making.
With your support, we can carry out our mission to advance the art and science of dental hygiene and to promote the highest standards of education and practice in the profession.
- With your membership, you will build a professional identity and credentials for yourself and your profession.
- Kept abreast of the current changes and trends occurring in the dental field.
- Form new friendships with the people who share your professional beliefs and goals.
- By attending ADHA, ODHA, and your local component functions, you can develop professional contacts that may lead you to new career possibilities.
- You have opportunities to make a contribution to your community through professional activities.
- You have opportunities for acquiring and developing new skills and interests, such as leadership, public speaking, etc.
- You can contribute to the protection of your role in the oral health care delivery system.