Congrats to the DHY Classes of 2024!!
Student Resources
Student Informative Poster Winners: Annual Session 2024
1st Place: Owens Community College
Resin to the Rescue
Natalia DiTerlizzi & Kennedy Moore

2nd Place: Owens Community College
Inside The Minds and Mouths of Patients With Special Healthcare Needs
Megan Hoy & Katie Dewulf

3rd Place: Owens Community College
From Trauma to Teeth: How PTSD Impacts Oral Health
Brianna Breier & Hannah Eckermann

Student Scholarships
Lou Barrett Scholarship
Established in 2018, this scholarship honors Louise M. Barrett, RDH, for her years of service and contribution to the profession of dental hygiene. Applicants must be enrolled in an Ohio associate or baccalaureate dental hygiene program and must have completed a minimum of one year, be a student member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, display a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and demonstrate personal and professional qualities reflecting those of Ms. Barrett.
The deadline to submit applications is on October 1, 2025. 2025 Application Coming Soon.
Christopher L. Simmons Memorial Scholarship Award
When the faculty decided to honor Christopher L. Simmons by establishing a student/graduate award in his name, they wanted the criteria to reflect those attributes that Chris possessed and demonstrated. They wanted to recognize a student who had demonstrated academic achievement, a commitment to life-long learning, community service, professional association involvement, rapport with faculty, and a future vision through the development of personal and professional goals.
The deadline to submit applications is on October 1, 2025. 2025 Application Coming Soon.